The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master Announces his Intention to Retire

Announcement from the Provincial Grand Master at the Lodge of Benevolence on 15 October 2021

My dear brethren of South Wales,

I am writing to inform you that I have written to the Most Worshipful Grand Master to inform him of my intention to retire as Provincial Grand Master for South Wales directly after our 2021 Festival celebrations on 19 November.

In excess of 8 years as Provincial Grand Master and a total of 17 years on the Provincial Executive have been hugely rewarding and enjoyable. It has been a great honour and privilege for me to be able to serve the Province and to see it grow and develop thanks to your commitment, enthusiasm and sheer hard work. But I have concluded that now is the time for change and a new Provincial Grand Master who can bring fresh ideas and give the job the time that it and you deserve.

I could go into a long list of your achievements during the last 8 years and I will mention just a few of which I am extremely proud. They include: the establishment of the New and Young Masons’ Colonnade Club; finally securing agreement to work ceremonies in the Welsh language; relocating the Provincial office back to its rightful place in a Masonic Hall; introducing fast-track Provincial Stewards for our young able brethren; fully integrating the Craft and Royal Arch by establishing dual roles and ensuring joint Executive meetings on all occasions; and many more, for which I am most grateful to my current and past Executive members and all brethren of the Province who have contributed to making all this happen.

And of course I must mention our 2021 Festival on behalf of the RMBI which I hope and trust will be the ultimate highlight of my tenure and provide a fitting climax to my time as Provincial Grand Master.

Finally, I could not have done any of my roles over the last 17 years without the support and forbearance of my wife, Sue. She has been constantly at my side and on my side throughout this wonderful time in my life.

It is rightly traditional that a retiring Provincial Grand Master should take a back seat to allow his successor the space to take over the reins successfully and so I will not be very visible in the Craft for the rest of this Masonic year. The new Provincial Grand Master, when selected and appointed, will however have my 100% support and I look forward to giving him the same loyalty I have enjoyed from you over the last 8 years.

My very best wishes to you all,

R.W. Bro Gareth Jones, OBE
Provincial Grand Master – Prif Feistr y Dalaith