Lodge of Benevolence No. 7305, held their annual election, it was unanimous from all present that PAProvGM, W.Bro. Paul Marshall, be elected as the Worshipful Master for the ensuing year.
During the meeting W.Bro. Paul Haley delivered an insightful presentation on the Membership Challenge. The current strategy was formed in 2022 under the Pro Grand Master’s leadership to develop our approach for the next seven-year period.
Tercentenary Chair, AProvGM, W.Bro. Dr Akram Baig delivered his presentation on the 2027 Tercentenary, outlining his plans, future events and initiatives which will enable the Province to celebrate our Tercentenary in style and with pride.
2032 Festival Chair, AProvGM, W.Bro. Robert G Payne, delivered his presentation on the upcoming 2032 Festival, outlining his plans and procedures to ensure the Festival is delivered on target, and will be announcing his Festival team over the coming months, W.Bro Robert Payne’s report can be found here.
Worshipful Master, W.Bro. Brian Tansley, congratulated W.Bro. Paul Marshall on being elected as Master, and thanked all those who delivered presentation during the morning.
Pictured above L – R
Worshipful Master elect, PAProvGM, W.Bro. Paul Marshall, Worshipful Master, W.Bro. Brian Tansley, Provincial Grand Master, R.W.Bro. D Gerald Rowbottom.