Hugely successful seminar clarifies role of Masonic Almoner

Bridgend Masonic Hall was abuzz on Saturday 20th April as the Learning and Development Team hosted a hugely successful seminar for Lodge and Chapter Almoners. Spearheaded by the Provincial Grand Almoner, W.Bro. Neal Whitehead, with the support of W.Bro. Philip Bevan, the event proved to be both enlightening and engaging.

Approximately 50 brethren and companions attended for what proved to be a most successful session. W.Bro Neal and W.Bro Philip’s vast knowledge on the subject was evident and greatly appreciated by all in attendance. There were many questions and discussions from the attendees who were clearly eager to learn more about this extremely important office.

The seminar also provided a platform for the Petition Application Team members, who elaborated on their responsibilities and shared experiences in what can be a rewarding but sometimes challenging role.

Several new ideas were discussed on ways of keeping Almoners up to date and preparing newly appointed officers for their duties. The morning ended with several attendees standing and giving thanks for what was clearly a welcomed and appreciated event, this was met with a resounding applause. A great morning was had by all.

The event not only demystified the role of the Almoner but reinforced the importance of this key office in supporting the welfare of the members.