First Joint Annual Provincial Meeting

We’re Back! On Saturday 25th June, we were delighted to welcome Brethren and Companions back to Barry Memorial Hall for our first joint Annual Provincial meeting.

Proceedings commenced with Provincial Grand Chapter opening at 11.00am. The M.E. GSupt D. Gerald Rowbottom accompanied by the 2nd Provincial Grand Principal, E.Comp. Dr. Akram Baig, 3rd Provincial Grand Principal. E.Comp. Martyn Wake and Provincial Grand Scribe N. E.Comp. Robert Payne, duly opened Provincial Grand Chapter for the first time in over two years at Barry Memo.

A warm welcome was extended to heads of orders and distinguished visiting Companions. The M.E. Grand Superintendent then proceeded to invested E.Comp. Simon Francis as Provincial Grand Scribe N. for the ensuing year. Promptly thereafter investing all those Companions who had received Provincial preferment. What a delightful sight it was to see the colourful carousel of Royal Arch Stewards once again in full flow, collecting companions and their collars prior to being invested.

Over one hundred Brethren, Companions, dignitaries and distinguished guests joined the Provincial Grand Master for luncheon in the Glamorgan suite at Barry Memorial Hall. Whilst lunch was underway the hard working team of volunteers quickly disassembled Provincial Grand Chapter and assembled the hall in readiness for Provincial Grand Lodge.

Provincial Grand Lodge was spectacular with no less than three processions making their way through the packed hall at Barry. The first procession was for dignitaries who had travelled far and wide to join us for our special day, the second was for our Past Provincial Grand Master, R.W.Bro. Captain Sir Norman Lloyd Edwards. The final procession to enter Provincial Grand Lodge in all its splendour was the Provincial Team.
Our Provincial Grand Master, R.W.Bro. D. Gerald Rowbottom accompanied by the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, V.W.Bro. Peter Jones, Assistant Provincial Grand Masters, W.Bro’s. Rev Cannon Huw Mosford, Mark Lewis, Christopher Davies, Robert Payne, the Provincial Grand Wardens including Acting Officers & Heads of Service of the Province.

The Provincial Grand Master welcomed everyone to our first joint meeting and extended pleasantries to each of the heads of orders and distinguished guests, with a particular special welcome to R.W.Bro. David Medlock, Provincial Grand Master of Somerset, and Assistant Grand Master designate who was also in attendance.

The Provincial Grand Master promptly invested W.Bro. R. Michael Coombes as Provincial Grand Senior Warden, and W.Bro. Philip Rice as Provincial Grand Junior Warden before then proceeding to invest those Brethren who have been afforded Provincial preferment. It was again such a delight to see the Provincial Carousel bringing Brethren to the big stage in Barry to be invested by the R.W. Provincial Grand Master.

Provincial Grand Lodge duly closed with a spectacle of a procession, well and truly bringing the curtain down on our return to Barry.

Our grateful thanks to W.Bro. Akram Baig and his team of volunteers for all their hard work before, during and after Provincial Grand Chapter and Provincial Grand Lodge; W.Bro. Graham Gonthier for all his hard work, on hand to help and assist in every department he could on the day; W.Bro. Richard Beecher, his photography and film team for all their hard work and dedication in producing excellent film and digital imagery; all the Stewards for their hard work in organising and directing everyone, with special thanks to our Brethren and Companions of St Johns Ambulance for ensuring the safety during both meetings.