Consecration of Music Lodge No: 9919

The consecration of Music Lodge No: 9919 was a stunning occasion. Over 175 brethren assembled in the Duke of Connaught Temple in Cardiff on 5th March. The Provincial Grand Master entered with a full team of officers to processional music created for the occasion. The Oration by the Provincial Grand Chaplain extolled the virtue of music and it was not long before the assembled company were heard in full voice. The founders and their friends are enthusiastic champions of the Welsh choral singing tradition and no better sound has been heard in the Temple in living memory.


SkyTV are being commissioned by UGLE to make a programme about Freemasonry next year, so cameras were permitted to film those fore-gathering before the event and processing into the Temple. The TV crew were also at the festive board later and some of this material may be used in next year’s programme.

This is only the second consecration in 14 years, so it is a rare event for most local Freemasons. It was carried out with great dignity by the Provincial Grand Master and his team. The 32 Founders were formed into a Lodge and given the authority to initiate, pass, raise and perform other ceremonies in conformance with the constitution. In the temple and at the festive board there was robust singing and the atmosphere was festive, friendly and a joy to behold.

This is a Lodge definitely worth a visit!
