Adare Lodge No. 9247: Installation of Worshipful Master, W.Bro. Robert James

On Thursday, September 14th, 2023, a significant event took place at the Bridgend Masonic Hall as W.Bro. Philip Bevan, the designated representative of the R.W Provincial Grand Master, presided over the Installation ceremony of Adare Lodge No. 9247. This auspicious occasion was attended by a distinguished Provincial team, adding to its grandeur.

One notable highlight of the evening was when W.Bro. Philip Bevan had the privilege to invest the new Worshipful Master as PPrAGDC (Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies) on behalf of the Provincial Grand Master. This was due to W.Bro. Robert James, because of prior commitments, was unable to attend the Provincial meeting at Barry Memo in June, where he was to receive his first Provincial Appointment.

This Installation ceremony marked a memorable and significant occasion for the Adare Lodge No. 9247.