Provincial Mentors meeting on Saturday 23rd September at Caerphilly Masonic Hall

Dear Bro. Lodge Mentor,

As communicated to you in June by our Provincial Grand Master, in his address to Provincial Grand Lodge, we write to advise and remind Brethren that your attendance is requested at our Provincial Mentors’ meeting, to be held on Saturday 23rd September 2017 at Caerphilly Masonic Hall (CF83 1HR), from 10am until 12 noon.

The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master will be opening the meeting, which will bring together all Lodge Mentors for an important session on their responsibilities; particularly in light of the impending Membership Pathway which will be formally launched in October 2017 and which will set out guidance and advice on how potential members should be encouraged, interviewed, looked after and taken successfully through their 4 basic steps in Freemasonry and onto Lodge officers, the Chair and beyond.

We look forward to seeing you a week Saturday.

Yours sincerely and fraternally,
W.Bro Neil Evans (Provincial Grand Mentor)
W.Bro Robert Payne (Past Provincial Grand Mentor)

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