Officers of United Grand Lodge of England 2023 – 2024

The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master is pleased to share the names of those Brethren in our Province who have accepted Appointment, Reappointment or Promotion in Craft Grand Rank. Their new ranks will take effect on Wednesday 26th April 2023.


R.W.Bro. Sir Paul M. Williams, OBEKStJDL, PJGW – as DepPresMCF
W.Bro. The Rev. Canon D. Huw E. Mosford – as DepGChap


R.W.Bro. Gareth Jones, OBE, PProvGM – to Past Assistant Grand Master
W.Bro. Dr Akram Baig, CStJ, PJGD– Promoted to PSGD
W.Bro. Robert G. Payne, PAGStB– Promoted to PSGD
W.Bro. Martyn L. Daley, PGStB– Promoted to PAGDC

First Appointments

W.Bro. John M. Steward – as PAGDC
W.Bro. Philip J. Stock – as PAGDC
W.Bro. Martyn P. Wake – as PAGDC